Biologische Schutzgemeinschaft Hunte Weser-Ems e.V.

The Biologische Schutzgemeinschaft Hunte Weser-Ems e.V., or Biological Association for the Protection of Nature Hunte Weser-Ems, is located in the north-western reserves of Germany in Lower-Saxony. It is surrounded by the three important rivers named the Hunte, Weser and Ems. The organization was founded in 1976 and through the course of 35 years, BSH has become very active in the preservation of nature and wildlife areas. BSH has developed various environmental projects and tasks protecting the ecological system and improving environmental awareness in and around northern Germany.


BSH’s main objective is the preservation and protection of wild plants and animals throughout Lower-Saxony. Often the organization also deals and works with common household plants and domestic animal breeds. Important activities within BSH range from keeping the community informed on environmental news and problems and weekly and monthly projects protecting the wildlife areas. BSH is amoung a group of 13 other ecological organizations in northern Germany, which gives the institution a qualified position and background in preserving nature.

Focus and Location

BSH operates entirely in the north-western district of Lower-Saxony in Germany within the specific nature preservation areas located there. The central locations are for example in Oldenburg, Wardenburg, Diepholz, Papenburg and Willhelmshaven. The organization focuses on protecting and caring for the ponds, meadows, heathers, forests, moors or bogs, and the undisturbed wildlife areas throughout those locations.

Esucation and Info

Every half year BSH offers programs for people who are interested in ecological solutions and nature preservation. The programs include organized nature walks and excursions, informative speeches, presentations, and invitational visits and tours. There are many opportunities when BSH is open for guests to visit. The visitors can learn more about BSH’s projects from the past and present or gather information on important topics. Areas of importance include bird nests, projects dealing with wild animal shelter, and especially the problems and the protection of the wild plants growing in and around these precious wildlife reserves.

The BSH Library and Bookstore

The BSH library and bookshop has over 13,000 publications on various topics dealing with nature. For example, the topics range from environmental protection, garden arrangements and landscaping, and healthy nutrition. Some of the most informative books cover environmental areas that discuss pollution and erosion, and are in high demand by teachers. The library is located at the following address and is open at the following times:

Gartenweg 5,


8:30 am - 12:30 pm

D-26203 Wardenburg


8:30 am -   4:00 pm

»detailed map


8:30 am - 12:30 pm


Four times a year the BSH newspaper has an issue featuring wildlife art and discussions on various biological topics. Popular areas are alternative energy and recycling, ecological protection, and environmental problems caused by humans. The paper is also for interested amateur scientists and offers subscriptions that are available to science classes and courses. The most exciting aspects are the extensive publications offered throughout the year, dealing with scientific discoveries, special wildlife areas, and biological discussions on ecological preservation.

Membership for BSH

Without the help of active and interested people, our organization would not be possible. This protection program depends on the support that it finds within the general population. This is a good reason for you to call BSH and show your support in the important work of wildlife preservation. For only 2,91 EUR, or $3.50, a month, you could also be a member of our organization. And with your honorary membership we would be extremely happy to include you every year on our various projects and educational programs. Otherwise, you can simply contact our organization for any questions or requests for information concerning the importance of our wildlife areas and the problems facing our environment today. Feel free to contact us at our many locations or visit our detailed website.

Biologische Schutzgemeinschaft Hunte Weser-Ems e.V.

Gartenweg 5
D-26203 Wardenburg
»How do I get to the BSH?
Tel: +49 4407 5111
Fax: +49 4407 6760
E-mail Address:

Aktuelle Infos

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08. 08 2010

13. 07 2010

15. 06 2010

25. 03 2010

01. 01 2010

© Copyright 2010 - 2021 - Biologische Schutzgemeinschaft Hunte Weser-Ems e.V. (BSH)
BSH-Spendenkonto zugunsten bedrohter Pflanzen und Tiere: LzO, IBAN: DE92 2805 0100 0000 4430 44 BIC: SLZODE22XXX

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